Monday, February 21, 2011

Bye Bye "Wilderness" , Range/2h Combo Trick gets Disabled!!

Breaking News, it seems that the Range-2h combo trick has been nerfed. Indeed, all weapons now have delays. ie. when you switch your shortbow to a 2h and then click your opponent to strike, the delay will not be that of the bow anymore (enabling the range-2h switch combo trick), now there is a 3 second delay for the new weapon you are wielding, letting anyone eat at least three times before you can even hit that 2h .. This is a huge blow to the wilderness...

Can you believe it?


Just too bad I didin't make any videos to keep good memories alive... Since 04 I used to be a jackass pker, I've been chassing pures that were 10 combat levels higher and killing them, doing amazing stunts at castle; fighting with no food left to find my opponent run away (from fear of running out of food) and dying while trying to escape.

I used to solo train at greater demons, where clans were common, switching from my bronze training arrows to my adamant ones when a target was nearby. Had my binds on me, my mage spells. Defeating players in full rune at 30+ levels over my combat level was the norm...

Too bad that I couldn't record any of those memories. Indeed, countless memories they were. I remember each sequence as if it was yesterday. Forget those wasted days and nights, not seeing the good old times again is probably my only real regret so far in rs.

Come read this blog tomorrow, I will explain the way RuneScape is dying, and how Runescape will be sold off to another company

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