Friday, October 30, 2009

Reducing lagging on Runescape f2p worlds

After some little playing on a new runescape account I've started, my computer was lagging, something that doesn't happen very often when I'm on runescape. I told myself that I must have played too much on it, and the computer got overheated. I then proceed to close some other windows, but the problem still would not go away completely for that night. But as I logged on today - and with a freshly cold computer this time, guess what - within minutes my computer started lagging again!, right after playing on a f2p world. I soon figured that it was because of that pesky ad - a Mazda car ad ... and it was pretty frustrating as well - the screen in rs was updating movement every 10 seconds for me. Let me tall you what - it's not uncommon however that there have been slow connection issuesin runescape due to ads  Here are some ways in which ads might annoy you and ways that you can avoid them.

The ads on top of the f2p runescape playing screen usually change every few minutes. If you're a f2p player, you might have noticed for instance that when ads are rotating at the same time as you were typing a message to your friend and attempting to erase the last word you typed, you might get logged out accidentally and even die if you happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. And dying from this also happened to me some few rare times - (probably because I happen to be on the wilderness/pvp quite a lot:)

When an ad rotates, this causes the page to somehow refresh, and when you press that backspace, it orders your browser to go back one time on the page. If you notice that ads are rotating then click once at least with your cursor inside the actual game frame, this way when you do a backspace it will instruct the game engine to do a backspace; example erasing a word you're writing. When an ad change happens and you don't click first within the game before pressing backspace, you instruct the webpage and browser to refresh the whole page or go back - not the game engine, so watch out for this.

Though being that vigilant is not always possible, since we are not focused on the ad much when playing. Another alternative for that would be to play runescape on other Jagex-approved runescape playing sites that do not have rotating ads. A good one in there would be Miniclip. Today I can say that I played runescape there without any lag. There was one simple, small in size, non flashing and non rotating ad that really made it smooth. Beware though, only play and enter your account details on the pre-approved partner sites from Jagex and check the url twice to make sure you're not entering your info at the wrong places.

Another effective way to play runescape without lag is to uninstall the adobe flash player, or play with an old version of adaobe flash that won't make the ads show up. Ads on Runescape are served on through the adobe flash player, so if you don't have it then you won't see anything I guess or no rotations. Also a lot of schools and other public places have computers without flash, and if I recall well, I didn't have problems playing runescape on those.

Lastly is ad blockers. I say don't go too far with this, especially when you could download a keylogger, spyware and whatnot without knowing. Jagex also mentions that it's against their rules to put an ad blocker - rule 15 if I remember well ; not sure if they can find you're using one but I wouldn't risk getting some unnecessary attention from jagex for something as meaningless as blocking ads. The easiest and quickest solution in my opinion if you're having lagging issues due to rotating ads or ads too big in size or animation (like it was the case with the Mazda ad) then I suggest you check out the partner websites of jagex i talked about earlier - one that worked for me today was miniclip.

Most of the lagging problems you would have when playing runescape I say would be because of ads. However if you are still lagging, then here are some other things you can do ;

Close most or all browser windows other than that of runescape. Video oriented sites like Youtube, or sites with excessive popups and animations can also slow your computer more.

You can also go into a world that is the closest from your location as well as he lowest crowded you can find.

If you have large games installed in your computer that you don't play anymore then deleting them could help. If your PC's memory is full in general then it can also be a factor.

Does your laptop/computer have a good ventilation system? If you hear it struggling to get air in and out then I suggest you put two books under your computer/laptop in a strategic manner to make it easier to ventilate.

If your laptop is still laggy and too hot then go ahead and put it in the fridge for a little while =D. - This tip was sort of a joke, but if you're to the point where you would do it, then I really suggest you stop playin runescape for a little bit - it won't hurt.

So I hope you enjoyed it and found some ways to lag less. That was a non-exhaustive list of ways to reduce lagging in runescape, if you have any other tips then please share them below in the comments section and I might put it up here.

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Vaskor said...

Hi, I'd like to link your blog from my Runescape Reader, but I can't because of "cheats" being included into the description of the blog. Would you please consider removing it?

Runescape Bits said...
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Alex said...

Don't put computers in a fridge! You'll wipe the hard drive.

(I get it's a joke, but someone might try it)

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