Yes we can bring it back guys. I am delighted to announce some pretty darn spectacular news here, Jagex is letting players vote for wilderness to come back! This is not a joke;
Jagex is giving a chance for players to bring old wilderness and free trade(no trade limits are back)!!
If you still can't believe it - and I don't blame you!, then go see for yourself! Read this official news post. It's still not in the pocket though - players have to actually vote for this
(Although I'm pretty sure that from Jagex headquarters, bringing back old wilderness is already planned and expected, this vote thing probably is a good attempt at spreading the news like wildfire and reach out on the old fans who've retired)
But you're never too sure, and when an opportunity like this strikes, better grab it. Please do everyone a favor and cast your vote to jagex to bring back the old wilderness!
What do you all think about this guys? Any retired pkers coming back to rs? New plans ahead for everyone? Discuss below!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Rs Christmas 2010 Event Guide - "O Little Town of Daemonheim
Welcome to the 2010 Christmas event Guide in Runescape; "O Little Town of Daeomoheim. This guide will set you up and help you complete it fast. For any questions, feel free to ask throught the comments below and I or someone else shall be there to help out promptly.
Quest/Event Location: Start in daemonheim, right next to the rewards trader
Difficulty: Easy-Medium Estimated Time; 15-20 minutes
Rewards: Salty Claws Hat, Snowman dune emote, Golden Hammer
1. The Start of this event is right next to the rewards trader in daemonheim.
2. Talk to Thorvar Crittersmash and ask him about the Heimland Games. After you agree to help him, he will give you a bag and a bucket.
Tip: Throughout the event, always pick-up the various items that you see on the ground, or else you might have to re-do some of the levels.
For instance, after Thorvar Crittersmash teleports you to the room, pick up the snowman accessories from the ground. Then advance to the center of the room, where a cut scene will take place.
The Icicles will light up in same time and then light up one by one in a particular order. You will have to;
3. Remember and repeat that exact sequence in which the Icicles light up.
Keep in mind that you will need to use some memory as the sequences are different for all players. And every time that you tap the switch, a new sequence will be given. If you don’t have the best of memories, then a good tip would be to draw a small map of the Icicles on a piece of paper and then tag these with numbers as the sequence is being displayed.
When you will get 3 successful sequences, a door leading to the next room will be unlocked. As you enter the next room, you notice your character walking on all fours. You can also see on the upper left area of the screen, a box with alternating green and red colors.
So your next task will be to;
4. Sneak your way north of the room towards the Angel while it’s back is turned on you and touch the Angel when you get within distance.
On the upper left area of the screen, you can observe that a box with alternating green and red colors will appear; When green is on, it means that the Angel has it’s back turned on you and it is safe to walk north towards it. When Red is on however, this means that the Angel can see you, and unless you are behind a snow blanket, the Angel will teleport you back to the starting point of the puzzle. In other words, move north towards then next snow blanket when green is on, and stand still when red gets on. When the timing is right, touch the Angel to advance to the next level.
5. Onto the next room now, pick-up the item on the ground and right-click on “Thorvar’s bag”, and click on the “use trinklet Thorvar’s Bag” in order to turn into a seal and be able to slide on the icy ground as it’s called.
When you’re on the ice, the action is pretty self-explanatory; dodge the holes in the ice and make your way to the portals, leading you yet to another room.
6. Now your task will be to simply get through all the doors until you reach the next and last level.
The door order is different for all players. Now it may seem totally random-based, but I’ve found for myself that I would get through doors more frequently from the ones that I’ve previously passed through. So try to remember which doors worked for you and which ones didn’t. There is still some randomness in this method though and most likely will not work 100% of the time, but I’ve found my odds to be considerably better than just going totally random on doors. Keep in mind to pick-up items that you find on the ground.
If you’ve made your way through all the doors then congratulations, you have only one challenge left before completing the 2010 xmas event!
The next and finally last room to be dealt with is relatively easy compared to the previous one. You have to catch (click) the crab with the santa hat.
7. Keep a close eye on the fishing holes on the ice where crabs will pop up, and stay next to the Ice. When the crab with the santa hat will appear, click on it as fast as you can.
Now go speak to Thorvar Crittersmash/The guy dressed as Santa again. He will be surprised of your courage and you will find out that he really is Santa.
Congratulations! You have now completed the 2010 Christmas event in Runescape. Santa Claus will give you rewards (see below) and also invite you to the heimland games – a fine Christmas-themed place with more activities, yet to be reviewed here.
Rewards: Salty Claws Hat , Snowman dune emote, Golden Hammer. Soundtracks and emotes unlocked from the event include; Snowman dune emote ,Seasonal sports Soundtrack, dramatic point emote, and the freeze emote
Well I hope that this guide has helped you somewhat. As always, if you have your own guides/blog posts to submit and want to be credited for you are most welcome to submit them. On behalf of Runescape Bits, I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy & prosperous new year!
On another note, do let me know what will you be doing this Christmas/Holiday Season! Cheers everyone!
Guide Writers,
Halloween Event
Monday, November 29, 2010
Beginner's F2p Range Pure Guide
Ever-since runescape 2 came out in 2004, the popularity of range pures never stopped increasing, and for good reason; A properly made range pure will put up a fight and win (with good strategy) against mostly anyone of similar combat level. Whether you are a beginner or have been playing on pures forever, you will most likely learn something new from this guide; from creating a range pure and planning his stats, to the best training spots, how to save time and make money on your pure aswell as some of my personal pvp strategies/tactics, and other cool random tips.
Definition of A Range Pure; For those who wouldn’t know, a range pure is an account specializing in ranged, training it to high levels while keeping levels such as defence, prayer and summoning to a minimum (often 0) in order to become super aggressive and dangerous all the while having the lowest possible combat level.
As with other pures, range pures rely on the principle that the best defence is the offence; If you are attacking and your opponent is eating, then your defence levels are not playing any role towards beating your opponent. Instead of getting defence, I suggest you invest into more offensive levels [ranged] and become even more aggressive and dangerous at a relatively low combat level. Here’s a couple of facts;
-Your range level counts towards both range accuracy and range strength bonus (how accurately and how high you hit). This is not the case with melee levels for instance, where both attack and strength need to be leveled.
-Rangers have the advantage of attacking from a distance. They can use this to get an extra hit or two against meleers, or even attack safely from behind a fence or bridge.
-Equipement/Gear for range pures consists mostly of light armor and weapons. This becomes very useful for running away or chasing someone when pking (player-killing) in a pvp world as you will have more running energy.
-The attacking process is very accurate and reliable; it deals a small but consistent amount of damage each time.
-Range yields good results when combined (hybriding) with either magic or melee (or even the three in same time) – [more on this later].
-In most circumstances, Range Pures do tend to win versus strenght pures.
-R-Pures do not have any major weaknesses; they can take on just about anyone
-Cons; Arrows can sometimes be annoying to pick-up, and can also get expensive if not careful.
Choosing a Name
I find it better to just use any normal name you'd like, and not the regular ''xx owned'' type of name that most pures seem to use. The advantage of getting a regular character name is twofold; First, people will sometimes underestimate your fighting abilities and not run away as much, which can get you more kills. Secondly, it gets pretty annoying to have people always call you ''hey xx owned'' or whatever other geeky pure name you come up with. My tip is to choose a name that you like. Further down the road, you can have the option to change your name provided you become a paying p2p member.
Equipement for a Range Pure
When you start off with lvl 1 range, head to the grand exchange. I suggest that you buy the following items to give you a solid head start;
Making Money As a Range Pure
Gotta find a way to fund all those arrows eh? When checking out other f2p range pure guides, I've found that almost all of these tell you to start training a new non-combat skill from scratch, like woodcutting, mining, or others...In my opinion this way of doing is totally wrong! First, training ranged already takes up an incredible ammount of time, and secondly you will make back your money and more from the loot of the monsters that you train on. That's right, training range makes you money in most cases, on top of receiving the range xp that you crave for. If you do need money at the very start, then make sure that you complete stronghold of security mini-quest which will give you 10k gold. That should be more than enough to buy all your armor and then some arrows. From there on, simply make your money while training range. Of course some range training spots make more gold than others while giving you less range xp per hour, and vice-versa - more on this in the next chapter.
Once that you have bought the necessary equipment, it is time to train. Set some goals and discipline yourself to train an x amount of hours every day or week. Don’t set too high goals, but rather a series of small achievable goals… Stay realistic!
Cows 1-15
Starting off, you can head to the cow place just south of the falador east bank. There you have set yourself a perfect ground for starting up your range training. Each cow you kill gives a cowhide, raw beef and bones, which altogether are worth more than 300 gp at the grand exchange (as of writing this). Another cow spot is located in Lumbridge but is further from the bank and usually more crowded. Lastly, there is another cow spot north-east of Lumbridge and with a bank nearby.
Men near edgeville bank 1-15
This is also a very good spot for early training. There is a house fully packed of level 3 men just north of the Edgeville bank. They have lower defense than cows and also have a quick respawn rate. Training here is faster, however you can make more money at cows.
Hill Giants
Although Hill Giants have low defense and drop big bones which are valuable, the area is almost always crowded. Most people use this spot as to make money rather than gaining combat experience. Think of the range xp as a nice bonus that you wouldn't have gotten by skilling for instance. For fast xp, train elsewhere.
Minautors 15-30
Minautors (level 12 and 27) have low defence and carry 100 and 220 hitpoints respectively, which make it an ideal range training spot. Head to barbarian village and climb down the ladder in the middle of the rocks to reach the stronghold of security. Then cross the doors through south-east. You should now see the level 17 minotaurs, and be able to range them from behind the fence. They drop a generous amount of iron arrows and noted items that you should pick up. Bringing some trout will be useful, although you can stand behind the fence as well.
Hobgoblins 30-60
The hobgoblin spot next to moss giants in Varock is little known. You can access this spot by entering the small house south of the grand-exchange, right next to the cooking guild by using a brass key. Once you are in it, climb down the ladder and head west till you see them. This spot is largely unknown to most. Hobgoblins carry a decent (280) hitpoints level and drop limpwut roots once in while (worth more than 2k gold each). See the picture for safespots. Use this training spot to cruise your way through 60 range.
Moss Giants 50+
These are the green giants that are commonly found in the varock sewers. It is a crowded spot though. The best place to train on moss giants is the spot in Crandor island, which is rarely populated. Moss Giants have a reasonable 60hp, drop big bones as well as other items that are good to cast high alchemy on. This would be the ideal spot for a range pure that wants to train his prayer up along with range. The only downside though is that to access crandor island, you will have to go halfway through dragon slayer in order to access this spot as well as have 32 quest points to start dragon slayer.
Ankous 60 +
Ankous located at the stronghold of security are level 82 combat and have 60 and 70hp. The area is rarely crowded. Ankous are abundant and they have a fast respawn rate… Plus they have a relatively low defence level, making for a pretty fast training spot. Drops are also pretty good. I suggest that you bring lobsters or better food, since you have to wait around 15 minutes for them to become un-aggressive, and thereafter have a veritable safespot. Take a look at this video for instructions on where to locate the safespot. You can decide to stay here till 99, but there are a few more options;
Lesser Demons 63+
Back in the days, Lesser Demons in Karamja were the most common monsters to train on from 63 range and onwards. Lesser demons (lvl82) carry 79 hitpoints. They seem to have slightly more defence than ankous, but the higher hitpoints level is a tradeoff that allows for surfing and multitasking while training. At 70 range, you should average around 30-35k range experience per hour using bronze arrows.
Greater Demons 75+
Standing at 87 hp, and with slightly better drops, Greater Demons are like the "upgrade" of lesser demons. There are two spots for these; at level 47 wilderness (bring a few lobsters in-case you see revenants) and in the volcano crater where you can range them behind the rocks. The drops are slightly better than that of lesser demons.
Hellhounds 60+
Hellhounds look like red dogs, and are found in the volcano crater within the wilderness. They have a whooping 116 hitpoints level and are accompanied by a surprisingly low defence level! Plus it rarely gets crowded, very few people know this spot. The only minor cons to be noted are;
1. Hellhounds do not drop anything and
2. It takes around a good 30 seconds for one of these tospawn, so perhaps you can bring something to do during that time (perhaps high alching, superheating or even some crafting). Or worst case scenario, you can do some homework or other non-runescape stuff during that time.
Despite these two small inconvenients, hellhounds remain nonetheless a top range training destination for pures. Tip; When you attack, most hellhounds usually retreat and then come back at you in order to prevent from using a safespot. However, there is one hellhound I have found to stand still, located at level 20 wilderness in the volcano crater (located at the entry of the west crater). This one does not retreat, so simply stand behind the rock and range it.
Ranged Max Hits
Ever wondered what you could hit with adamant arrows in PvP or bronze arrows for training? Well here’s a graph that shows you your max hit from levels 30 to 99. These are without prayer.
Ranged Level Max Hit with Bronze Arrows Max Hit with Adamant Arrows
Level 30: - 4.8 - 6.2
Level 40: - 5.9 - 7.7
Level 50: - 7.0 - 9.2
Level 60: - 8.1 - 10.6
Level 70: - 9.2 - 12.1
Level 80: - 10.3 - 13.6
Level 90: - 11.4 - 15.1
Level 99: - 12.4 - 16.4
Range pures tend to deal a significant amount of damage on a consistent basis. Your scope will be to remain aggressive and stay on the offensive, keeping your enemy busy eating so that he does not even get the chance to switch from eating to attacking!
Before venturing in PvP, make sure that your computer won't CRASH in the middle of the action. For reference, you might want to check out a couple of tips to reduce lag in runescape.
Always bring the best equipement and gear you can. You won't achieve much fun with mediocre gear.
Bring good food; Even if you are on a tight budget, cheap food will cost you more money, resources and time on the long run…trust me on this one, or you’ll learn it the hard way like myself!! For alternatives, look at wine instead of tuna (watch out for clicking empty jugs) and similar swaps or check if there’s a good deal on the grand exchange but really, think twice before buying cheap food with a low healing rate for your combat level.
Eat food properly; A proper eating technique is of crucial importantance if you want to go far in pvp. The better flow you have between healing effectively and attacking, the better the chances to stay on the attack and win. Do not eat solely one piece of food at a time, but rather in groups of 3 or more. For instance, you can eat the first piece of food without your opponent noticing; As you get low on food and right as your bow starts to lift up, click on a piece of food. What will happen is that you will have eaten a piece of food and restored your hitpoints while shooting an arrow and causing damage in the same time. Your character will perform the shooting action, not the eating one. After performing this action, I suggest you heal another 2 food or more than that as needed.
Choose the right P-king spots; I can't hide the fact that without 80+ range, finishing an opponent with range alone and by yourself might be tricky. If you want to get any kind of loot, you need to be at the right places, and that usually means far away from safespots. What happens usually when you just hang around the grand exchange, or close to other safespots is that your fellow opponents will just run to safety when low on food. You will do much better off for instance by going into low-crowded areas, and attack other players there, as there will be much more running to do, plus can even find skillers and travelers to pick on - cool targets that are not quite ready to fight!
I also want to mention that It's always delightful to read what others are doing! - So cheers everyone and don't be shy to submit your own training tips, opinions, corrections and stories below.. Like when did you start pking? what was your best drop?!
Definition of A Range Pure; For those who wouldn’t know, a range pure is an account specializing in ranged, training it to high levels while keeping levels such as defence, prayer and summoning to a minimum (often 0) in order to become super aggressive and dangerous all the while having the lowest possible combat level.
As with other pures, range pures rely on the principle that the best defence is the offence; If you are attacking and your opponent is eating, then your defence levels are not playing any role towards beating your opponent. Instead of getting defence, I suggest you invest into more offensive levels [ranged] and become even more aggressive and dangerous at a relatively low combat level. Here’s a couple of facts;
-Your range level counts towards both range accuracy and range strength bonus (how accurately and how high you hit). This is not the case with melee levels for instance, where both attack and strength need to be leveled.
-Rangers have the advantage of attacking from a distance. They can use this to get an extra hit or two against meleers, or even attack safely from behind a fence or bridge.
-Equipement/Gear for range pures consists mostly of light armor and weapons. This becomes very useful for running away or chasing someone when pking (player-killing) in a pvp world as you will have more running energy.
-The attacking process is very accurate and reliable; it deals a small but consistent amount of damage each time.
-Range yields good results when combined (hybriding) with either magic or melee (or even the three in same time) – [more on this later].
-In most circumstances, Range Pures do tend to win versus strenght pures.
-R-Pures do not have any major weaknesses; they can take on just about anyone
-Cons; Arrows can sometimes be annoying to pick-up, and can also get expensive if not careful.
Choosing a Name
I find it better to just use any normal name you'd like, and not the regular ''xx owned'' type of name that most pures seem to use. The advantage of getting a regular character name is twofold; First, people will sometimes underestimate your fighting abilities and not run away as much, which can get you more kills. Secondly, it gets pretty annoying to have people always call you ''hey xx owned'' or whatever other geeky pure name you come up with. My tip is to choose a name that you like. Further down the road, you can have the option to change your name provided you become a paying p2p member.
Equipement for a Range Pure
When you start off with lvl 1 range, head to the grand exchange. I suggest that you buy the following items to give you a solid head start;
- (1-20 range) Leather chaps, leather vambraces, leather cowl, leather body, boots, all available shortbows, a power amulet and a cape of your choice (if you want one). This set of items will kickstart your range training and give you a small accuracy boost.
- (20-39 range) you can change the leather cowl for a coif and leather chaps for studded chaps.
- (40 range) When you achieve 40 range, you can upgrade your chaps and vambraces to the dragonhide version and upgrade your bow to a maple shortbow.
- Arrows; As for training arrows, you can choose any from bronze to mithril depending on if you’re aiming at training speed or money saved. For myself, I find that bronze arrows work out just fine for the price.
Making Money As a Range Pure
Gotta find a way to fund all those arrows eh? When checking out other f2p range pure guides, I've found that almost all of these tell you to start training a new non-combat skill from scratch, like woodcutting, mining, or others...In my opinion this way of doing is totally wrong! First, training ranged already takes up an incredible ammount of time, and secondly you will make back your money and more from the loot of the monsters that you train on. That's right, training range makes you money in most cases, on top of receiving the range xp that you crave for. If you do need money at the very start, then make sure that you complete stronghold of security mini-quest which will give you 10k gold. That should be more than enough to buy all your armor and then some arrows. From there on, simply make your money while training range. Of course some range training spots make more gold than others while giving you less range xp per hour, and vice-versa - more on this in the next chapter.
Once that you have bought the necessary equipment, it is time to train. Set some goals and discipline yourself to train an x amount of hours every day or week. Don’t set too high goals, but rather a series of small achievable goals… Stay realistic!
Suggested Range Training Spots
Cows 1-15
Starting off, you can head to the cow place just south of the falador east bank. There you have set yourself a perfect ground for starting up your range training. Each cow you kill gives a cowhide, raw beef and bones, which altogether are worth more than 300 gp at the grand exchange (as of writing this). Another cow spot is located in Lumbridge but is further from the bank and usually more crowded. Lastly, there is another cow spot north-east of Lumbridge and with a bank nearby.
Men near edgeville bank 1-15
This is also a very good spot for early training. There is a house fully packed of level 3 men just north of the Edgeville bank. They have lower defense than cows and also have a quick respawn rate. Training here is faster, however you can make more money at cows.
Hill Giants
Although Hill Giants have low defense and drop big bones which are valuable, the area is almost always crowded. Most people use this spot as to make money rather than gaining combat experience. Think of the range xp as a nice bonus that you wouldn't have gotten by skilling for instance. For fast xp, train elsewhere.
Minautors 15-30
Minautors (level 12 and 27) have low defence and carry 100 and 220 hitpoints respectively, which make it an ideal range training spot. Head to barbarian village and climb down the ladder in the middle of the rocks to reach the stronghold of security. Then cross the doors through south-east. You should now see the level 17 minotaurs, and be able to range them from behind the fence. They drop a generous amount of iron arrows and noted items that you should pick up. Bringing some trout will be useful, although you can stand behind the fence as well.
Hobgoblins 30-60
The hobgoblin spot next to moss giants in Varock is little known. You can access this spot by entering the small house south of the grand-exchange, right next to the cooking guild by using a brass key. Once you are in it, climb down the ladder and head west till you see them. This spot is largely unknown to most. Hobgoblins carry a decent (280) hitpoints level and drop limpwut roots once in while (worth more than 2k gold each). See the picture for safespots. Use this training spot to cruise your way through 60 range.
Moss Giants 50+
These are the green giants that are commonly found in the varock sewers. It is a crowded spot though. The best place to train on moss giants is the spot in Crandor island, which is rarely populated. Moss Giants have a reasonable 60hp, drop big bones as well as other items that are good to cast high alchemy on. This would be the ideal spot for a range pure that wants to train his prayer up along with range. The only downside though is that to access crandor island, you will have to go halfway through dragon slayer in order to access this spot as well as have 32 quest points to start dragon slayer.
Ankous 60 +
Ankous located at the stronghold of security are level 82 combat and have 60 and 70hp. The area is rarely crowded. Ankous are abundant and they have a fast respawn rate… Plus they have a relatively low defence level, making for a pretty fast training spot. Drops are also pretty good. I suggest that you bring lobsters or better food, since you have to wait around 15 minutes for them to become un-aggressive, and thereafter have a veritable safespot. Take a look at this video for instructions on where to locate the safespot. You can decide to stay here till 99, but there are a few more options;
Lesser Demons 63+
Back in the days, Lesser Demons in Karamja were the most common monsters to train on from 63 range and onwards. Lesser demons (lvl82) carry 79 hitpoints. They seem to have slightly more defence than ankous, but the higher hitpoints level is a tradeoff that allows for surfing and multitasking while training. At 70 range, you should average around 30-35k range experience per hour using bronze arrows.
Greater Demons 75+
Standing at 87 hp, and with slightly better drops, Greater Demons are like the "upgrade" of lesser demons. There are two spots for these; at level 47 wilderness (bring a few lobsters in-case you see revenants) and in the volcano crater where you can range them behind the rocks. The drops are slightly better than that of lesser demons.
Hellhounds 60+
Hellhounds look like red dogs, and are found in the volcano crater within the wilderness. They have a whooping 116 hitpoints level and are accompanied by a surprisingly low defence level! Plus it rarely gets crowded, very few people know this spot. The only minor cons to be noted are;
1. Hellhounds do not drop anything and
2. It takes around a good 30 seconds for one of these tospawn, so perhaps you can bring something to do during that time (perhaps high alching, superheating or even some crafting). Or worst case scenario, you can do some homework or other non-runescape stuff during that time.
Despite these two small inconvenients, hellhounds remain nonetheless a top range training destination for pures. Tip; When you attack, most hellhounds usually retreat and then come back at you in order to prevent from using a safespot. However, there is one hellhound I have found to stand still, located at level 20 wilderness in the volcano crater (located at the entry of the west crater). This one does not retreat, so simply stand behind the rock and range it.
To get prayer or not to get?
In the past, there was no range-boosting prayers, there were only prayers for melee. People would stay at 1 prayer. Nowadays, there's a prayer for each combat class prayer is running popular on ranged pures. Number-wise, every 8 prayer levels accounts for 1 combat level. The three ranged prayers are;- Sharp Eye [level 8]: Increases ranged by 5%. It has a drain rate of 1 point per 12 seconds (will last approximately 1minute 36 seconds)
- Hawk Eye [level 22]: Increases ranged by 10%. The prayer has a drain rate of 1 point per 6 seconds (that would come down to last 2minutes 36 seconds)
- Eagle eye [level 44]: Has a drain rate of 1 point per 6 seconds (would last 2 minutes 12 seconds)
Ranged Max Hits
Ever wondered what you could hit with adamant arrows in PvP or bronze arrows for training? Well here’s a graph that shows you your max hit from levels 30 to 99. These are without prayer.
Ranged Level Max Hit with Bronze Arrows Max Hit with Adamant Arrows
Level 30: - 4.8 - 6.2
Level 40: - 5.9 - 7.7
Level 50: - 7.0 - 9.2
Level 60: - 8.1 - 10.6
Level 70: - 9.2 - 12.1
Level 80: - 10.3 - 13.6
Level 90: - 11.4 - 15.1
Level 99: - 12.4 - 16.4
PvP techniques and Strategies
Range pures tend to deal a significant amount of damage on a consistent basis. Your scope will be to remain aggressive and stay on the offensive, keeping your enemy busy eating so that he does not even get the chance to switch from eating to attacking!
Before venturing in PvP, make sure that your computer won't CRASH in the middle of the action. For reference, you might want to check out a couple of tips to reduce lag in runescape.
Always bring the best equipement and gear you can. You won't achieve much fun with mediocre gear.
Bring good food; Even if you are on a tight budget, cheap food will cost you more money, resources and time on the long run…trust me on this one, or you’ll learn it the hard way like myself!! For alternatives, look at wine instead of tuna (watch out for clicking empty jugs) and similar swaps or check if there’s a good deal on the grand exchange but really, think twice before buying cheap food with a low healing rate for your combat level.
Eat food properly; A proper eating technique is of crucial importantance if you want to go far in pvp. The better flow you have between healing effectively and attacking, the better the chances to stay on the attack and win. Do not eat solely one piece of food at a time, but rather in groups of 3 or more. For instance, you can eat the first piece of food without your opponent noticing; As you get low on food and right as your bow starts to lift up, click on a piece of food. What will happen is that you will have eaten a piece of food and restored your hitpoints while shooting an arrow and causing damage in the same time. Your character will perform the shooting action, not the eating one. After performing this action, I suggest you heal another 2 food or more than that as needed.
Choose the right P-king spots; I can't hide the fact that without 80+ range, finishing an opponent with range alone and by yourself might be tricky. If you want to get any kind of loot, you need to be at the right places, and that usually means far away from safespots. What happens usually when you just hang around the grand exchange, or close to other safespots is that your fellow opponents will just run to safety when low on food. You will do much better off for instance by going into low-crowded areas, and attack other players there, as there will be much more running to do, plus can even find skillers and travelers to pick on - cool targets that are not quite ready to fight!
Part 2 of This Guide
If you've read this far, then you must have had a good grasp of the basics to get you up and running! This first guide is paused for now, however stay tuned for part two of the series (the follow-up). Every month there will be a new detailed guide on pvp, pures and pking. Hint; and next guide will feature more advanced PvP strategies.I also want to mention that It's always delightful to read what others are doing! - So cheers everyone and don't be shy to submit your own training tips, opinions, corrections and stories below.. Like when did you start pking? what was your best drop?!
PvP Strategies,
Range Pures,
Training Spots
Perseverence, Gigantic posts and A new Petition
Based on my rs blogging experience so far acquired, I can affirm that reading someone else's posts is much easier than staring at a blank page & trying to create something coherent out of it. Expressing your views online can be fun. But when it comes down to planning and writing it down, all of a sudden ideas get stuck and I loose interest. This brings me to the first subject, perseverance. How do you persevere? How do you stay motivated? When I'm in front of a computer especially, this is a big issue for me. How do you acquire that perseverance when you're supposed to type on a computer of which you have the whole web at your fingertips?
Two guys that I try to take example from - and check them out by the way - are Vaskor of Runescape Reader's Digest and Silentc0re (Dan), editor of his popular rs video guides. I can estimate that Vaskor has a couple of hundred posts (perhaps 200-300 who knows?) since he's started in 07, and systematically submits a new post almost every two days while Dan has got a staggering 95 video guide uploads! Don't get me wrong, but what these two have done is big work! My own love of writing is there already. What I think I need to find out is how to get the drive , the motivation to stop what I'm currently wasting in time over the web and start writing. Because as soon as I've written a couple of sentences, the snowball effect easily gets me going. So if any of you have any motivation tips, how to stay motivated in front of a computer or just in general, It would be very nice to share them. These can then be used not only in writing but in many different areas of life and daily life. So if you've got some advice then it would be fun if you can share that through a blog post (if you have a weblog), otherwise just do so in the comments.
And I almost forgot Merch Gwyar !, she is another living proof of perseverance (as well as an amazing example of good writing!).
Gigantic Posts and a New Petition?
Yes! Lately, I've been working pretty hard on a new guide, which will be the first of a series of pvp guides and tutorials tailored to beginners and experts alike. I started playing runescape very soon after rs2 came out (in 04 I think), dumping my main account in as little time as 3 weeks after joining runescape - And soon I found myself creating pures, conceiving pvp/wilderness strategies and more - things I still enjoy doing nowadays but never really got a chance to talk about. So stay tuned tomorrow for a record-braking *drumrolls please* . . . Three-thousand-four hundred words guide [now released] check out the new f2p range pure guide!
About the petition, I don't know why I even put that in the title! There is one planned but you'll have to wait a couple more days as it deserves a whole new post on it's own. If you have any tips on motivation or if you've written about it somewhere, please let me know, it will be greatly appreciated!
Two guys that I try to take example from - and check them out by the way - are Vaskor of Runescape Reader's Digest and Silentc0re (Dan), editor of his popular rs video guides. I can estimate that Vaskor has a couple of hundred posts (perhaps 200-300 who knows?) since he's started in 07, and systematically submits a new post almost every two days while Dan has got a staggering 95 video guide uploads! Don't get me wrong, but what these two have done is big work! My own love of writing is there already. What I think I need to find out is how to get the drive , the motivation to stop what I'm currently wasting in time over the web and start writing. Because as soon as I've written a couple of sentences, the snowball effect easily gets me going. So if any of you have any motivation tips, how to stay motivated in front of a computer or just in general, It would be very nice to share them. These can then be used not only in writing but in many different areas of life and daily life. So if you've got some advice then it would be fun if you can share that through a blog post (if you have a weblog), otherwise just do so in the comments.
And I almost forgot Merch Gwyar !, she is another living proof of perseverance (as well as an amazing example of good writing!).
Gigantic Posts and a New Petition?
Yes! Lately, I've been working pretty hard on a new guide, which will be the first of a series of pvp guides and tutorials tailored to beginners and experts alike. I started playing runescape very soon after rs2 came out (in 04 I think), dumping my main account in as little time as 3 weeks after joining runescape - And soon I found myself creating pures, conceiving pvp/wilderness strategies and more - things I still enjoy doing nowadays but never really got a chance to talk about. So stay tuned tomorrow for a record-braking *drumrolls please* . . . Three-thousand-four hundred words guide [now released] check out the new f2p range pure guide!
About the petition, I don't know why I even put that in the title! There is one planned but you'll have to wait a couple more days as it deserves a whole new post on it's own. If you have any tips on motivation or if you've written about it somewhere, please let me know, it will be greatly appreciated!
rs Blogging
Monday, October 18, 2010
Rs Halloween 2010 Event Guide (Partying is Such Sweet Sorrow)
Hey there folks! I've just finished doing the event in rs, and wrote a guide alongside. Read the Halloween 2010 event Guide (Partying is Such Sweet Sorrow) below.
Also Read: Halloween 2011 Event walkthrough (Deathcon 2)
Where to start the quest; The Haloween event is located right next to the magic shop in Port Sarim, just south of the air altar. Once arrived, talk to Pumpkin Pete.
Requirements; None, just have 5 available inventory slots for items.
Time taken to complete the quest; Around 15 minutes, difficulty medium
Rewards; Bone Brooch - a pretty cool gadget similar to an easter ring, where you turn into bones and can "unmorph", aswell as the Puppet Master Emote.
Getting Started; Once inside the portal, talk to party Pete again. He will ask you to move around and help him with the party... you now have to go speak with "Ministrel Web", a giant spider located just north of the dance floor. Speak to her. She will tell you that you have to find 8 spiders. Here are their locations;
Finding Spider Locations
Now that you have found all the spiders, speak with Ministrel Web/The giant spider again. She will ask you that you properly set them up on the dance floor. Doing so is not easy, you have to arrange the spiders using a precise sequence. If you have messed up, speak with Allan (right next to Ministrel Web) and ask him to reset the spiders. Here is the precise order to click them; Click on then Green spider, then orange, red, purple, and blue at last. Now Speak with Ministrel Web again.
Next task; the grim reaper will want you to get an autograph for him. To do so, go speak with Zabeth Corbid - a vampire located on the south-eastern room of the first floor. Once you find him, you have to speak with him in a precise manner in order for him to give you his autograph. Ask him the questions in this precise order;
For the band to sing, you will need to make them a Moonshine Potion'. Speak with the warewolves on the first floor, then head south and click to search the table. You should now receive some items that you need to mix together. Again, you will have to mix those in a precise order for the potion to work;
To make the potion, first use the pile of evil leaves with the white vial. Then use the red vial on the white one. Now use the result of that with the yellow bottle, an finally use the bones with the bottle! Speak with the warewolves and give them the potion. Congratulations! Your last task has been done! Now go speak again with Pumpkin Pete to finish the quest and get your reward!
Rewards; The bone brooch reward is pretty cool - it acts just like an eastern ring, except of turning in an egg, you turn into bones. You also get new emote called the Puppet Master Emote.
For any tips, suggestions, questions or if you find yourself stuck in the 2010 Partying is Such Sweet Sorrow Haloween Quest, just shoot a comment and I'll try to help, Cheers All!
Also Read: Halloween 2011 Event walkthrough (Deathcon 2)
Where to start the quest; The Haloween event is located right next to the magic shop in Port Sarim, just south of the air altar. Once arrived, talk to Pumpkin Pete.
Requirements; None, just have 5 available inventory slots for items.
Time taken to complete the quest; Around 15 minutes, difficulty medium
Rewards; Bone Brooch - a pretty cool gadget similar to an easter ring, where you turn into bones and can "unmorph", aswell as the Puppet Master Emote.
Getting Started; Once inside the portal, talk to party Pete again. He will ask you to move around and help him with the party... you now have to go speak with "Ministrel Web", a giant spider located just north of the dance floor. Speak to her. She will tell you that you have to find 8 spiders. Here are their locations;
Finding Spider Locations
- In the same room where party pete is, search the cabinet to find the first spider.
- In the North-eastern room, there is a spider walking on the floor.
- Climb the stairs to the second floor - you will land in a room. Right outside of that room on the hall, there is a spider, click it as usual.
- Search the "death clock" in the biggest square room in the middle of the second floor and you will find the 4th spider.
- In that same room, search the bed to find another spider.
- Then go north of the room you are in, to a small rectangle-shaped room. You will find the 6th spider walking on the floor.
- Search the "towels" of that same room you are in to, to yet find another one, only one spider to go!
- In the southern-most room of the second floor, there will be a spider. Right click the spider and select the "scare" option. You have now collected all spiders.
Now that you have found all the spiders, speak with Ministrel Web/The giant spider again. She will ask you that you properly set them up on the dance floor. Doing so is not easy, you have to arrange the spiders using a precise sequence. If you have messed up, speak with Allan (right next to Ministrel Web) and ask him to reset the spiders. Here is the precise order to click them; Click on then Green spider, then orange, red, purple, and blue at last. Now Speak with Ministrel Web again.
Next task; the grim reaper will want you to get an autograph for him. To do so, go speak with Zabeth Corbid - a vampire located on the south-eastern room of the first floor. Once you find him, you have to speak with him in a precise manner in order for him to give you his autograph. Ask him the questions in this precise order;
- Hello, enjoying the party?
- So how do people call you?
- Sheesh you are an idiot
- Sorry, how about I make it up to you with another drink?
- Exactly how drunk are you?
- A vampire and a warewolf walk into a bar...
- Do you know grim?
- Can I have an autograph of grim?
For the band to sing, you will need to make them a Moonshine Potion'. Speak with the warewolves on the first floor, then head south and click to search the table. You should now receive some items that you need to mix together. Again, you will have to mix those in a precise order for the potion to work;
To make the potion, first use the pile of evil leaves with the white vial. Then use the red vial on the white one. Now use the result of that with the yellow bottle, an finally use the bones with the bottle! Speak with the warewolves and give them the potion. Congratulations! Your last task has been done! Now go speak again with Pumpkin Pete to finish the quest and get your reward!
Rewards; The bone brooch reward is pretty cool - it acts just like an eastern ring, except of turning in an egg, you turn into bones. You also get new emote called the Puppet Master Emote.
For any tips, suggestions, questions or if you find yourself stuck in the 2010 Partying is Such Sweet Sorrow Haloween Quest, just shoot a comment and I'll try to help, Cheers All!
Halloween Event,
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Jagex Falsely Accusing Players of Password Scamming
It looks like my account is almost banned, or muted - when I log into my account's control pannel, I see that it is in the red zone... even upwards of where it says 'danger'. While I was trying to propose some players to receive a membership in exchange for written guides about runescape that I'd put here, it looks like some idio*s have reported me for no apparent reason, and Jagex have accused me of Password Scamming - for no reason at all.
Jagex must be kidding me on this. In real-life, I work upwards of 60 hours a week at my full time job, and have little time to either play runescape or update this runescape blog on a consistent basis. As a result, I sometimes propose people to help me out with writing guides in exchange for a runescape membership that I give out by sending them a membership pin (see example of post here). To make things clear, I never ask anybody for their password; I neither have the time, nor the interest of playing on an account which is not mine. Note that I have been offered and given accounts several times, which I never made use of (for reasons stated above).
Anyway, once logged in at the <appeal an offence> section and under the "see proof" link, here's the so-called "proof" that they have against me for "password scamming".Ps* Note that in the copy/pasted text, I have replaced my own rs username with "me" in order to remain confidential and have replaced HIS(the guy who reported me) blacked out name with his real username (Dirtybbqchip) - so everyone knows him (the f*#$%& deserves it) ;
And the "proof" as seen on my screen stops here. In other words, that is the "proof" that Jagex has against me for "Password Scamming" Note that I have of course never asked him for his password, and on top of that told him that I did not want his personal details.
This is the second time that Jagex falsely accuses me of password scamming. My account has been temporarily muted and the graph showing my account status is red, with 95% of the line filled! For reference, I have already handed membership pins to two players who wrote me some guides earlier this year (that I have never yet published), and everything went well - they were happy with their membership and me with my guides.
I have re-read runescape's complete rules of conduct, trying to find a way that I might have broken a rule, and can confirm that according to Jagex's guide, no rule has been broken. Also note the <Real world trading> rule is not broken, because here two real-world items are being traded (and not one in-game item against a real world item). So 'No unfair advantage has been gained.
Only one big unfair disadvantage.
Jagex must be kidding me on this. In real-life, I work upwards of 60 hours a week at my full time job, and have little time to either play runescape or update this runescape blog on a consistent basis. As a result, I sometimes propose people to help me out with writing guides in exchange for a runescape membership that I give out by sending them a membership pin (see example of post here). To make things clear, I never ask anybody for their password; I neither have the time, nor the interest of playing on an account which is not mine. Note that I have been offered and given accounts several times, which I never made use of (for reasons stated above).
Anyway, once logged in at the <appeal an offence> section and under the "see proof" link, here's the so-called "proof" that they have against me for "password scamming".Ps* Note that in the copy/pasted text, I have replaced my own rs username with "me" in order to remain confidential and have replaced HIS(the guy who reported me) blacked out name with his real username (Dirtybbqchip) - so everyone knows him (the f*#$%& deserves it) ;
Me: hey there, wanted to tell you very well written guide youve postedDirtybbqchip: thank youMe: I myself am the owner of a rs blog-fansite and wanted to ask you ifMe: if you would like to receive compensation for written guides of that qualityDirtybbqchip: and you know saying something like that breaks severalDirtybbqchip: rs rulesMe: no in-game compensantion, of course its against the rulesDirtybbqchip: you'd have to get personal detailsDirtybbqchip: which isMe: I do not want personal detailsMe: I would be willing to pay for your membership for well written guides like that
And the "proof" as seen on my screen stops here. In other words, that is the "proof" that Jagex has against me for "Password Scamming" Note that I have of course never asked him for his password, and on top of that told him that I did not want his personal details.
This is the second time that Jagex falsely accuses me of password scamming. My account has been temporarily muted and the graph showing my account status is red, with 95% of the line filled! For reference, I have already handed membership pins to two players who wrote me some guides earlier this year (that I have never yet published), and everything went well - they were happy with their membership and me with my guides.
I have re-read runescape's complete rules of conduct, trying to find a way that I might have broken a rule, and can confirm that according to Jagex's guide, no rule has been broken. Also note the <Real world trading> rule is not broken, because here two real-world items are being traded (and not one in-game item against a real world item). So 'No unfair advantage has been gained.
Only one big unfair disadvantage.
Password scamming,
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Comming back to Runescape yet Again!
It's hard not to return again to runescape. Even after the series of bad updates over the last few months and years such as the EP update, the hp/constitution update (10 times more hp) , the trade limit, and more - it is not easy to bury down all the good (and bad) memories over the past couple of years and settle to never come back to play again.
So indeed, after several months of having quit runescape , I am back yet again into the game. But this time I will try to correct myself, and not make the same mistakes that I've made in the past, and led me to quit earlier. Here's what I've proposed myself;
For instance, I can't wait to finish these goals. They would be one heck of a good relief! Especially if it happens before 2011. Either way, I will keep you updated.
So indeed, after several months of having quit runescape , I am back yet again into the game. But this time I will try to correct myself, and not make the same mistakes that I've made in the past, and led me to quit earlier. Here's what I've proposed myself;
- Play a reasonable amount of runescape, do not play as a maniac or "Grinding" as it's called
- Set myself realistic goals - For instance I aim to get my pure from 80 range,79 strenght and magic to 83 range (hit 14s on rapid!) , 85 magic (teleblock!) and 85 ish strenght (more Ko'ing power).
- Not ''work'' anymore for gp or the right to have fun in pvp. Before, a skilled pker could be self-sufficient and have the loot pay up for pvp expenses/supplies. Now with the EP system, you can't do that anymore no matter how good you are (unless you are willing to wait 30 minutes between every kill for ep - which is highly unreasonable). So I figured the only way to do this would be to make gp while sleeping via the grand exchange! I currently have around 3 million gp which gets me around 150k profit per day. I am aiming for 500k gp profit a day through GE, in order to be able to sustain even the longest pking days.
- Bring up at least one blog post per week here. It is fun to share thoughts and ideas that we can relate to, and in same time, build good memories written black on white, that will last and that we can come back to time and time again.
For instance, I can't wait to finish these goals. They would be one heck of a good relief! Especially if it happens before 2011. Either way, I will keep you updated.
comming back to rs,
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The Reason Why Jagex is Trying to gain Influence
The title is not a question for me anymore, I think it has become clear now.
Lately, Jagex has taken a bigger shift into trying to control us... Why would good old Jagex do such a thing? Why are they trying to Gain Influence, and Control over fansites and players alike within the runescape community?
One answer: Money. They're already in the process of controlling small and large fansites alike and their communities. Why does it matter for them? Fansites can threaten profits, bigtime. A considerable part of runescape players reach out for runescape help, a place to talk, read and socialize with like-minded people. There is a big profitable market for that. If these fansites propose, within their advertisements or messages, a service or product that could compete with jagex's paid membership subscription, then Jagex would suffer a loss in profits... as if 100 million$ a year would not be enough for them.
Such competing products/services that jagex doesn't want to see include in-game gold or accounts, or competing online games(which they have been and are promoting themselves). Jagex wants none of these. Other MMO's (massively multiplayer online games) neither want gold selling adverts (of course!), but they at least do propose a solution to fansite writers/publishers; they have referral programs which lets fansite owners and game developers alike split profits when a surfer buys a game membership when first referred through a fansite. This not only reduces the black market of a set game, but also helps spike up sales of paid gaming time. An affiliate program is easy to apply, and it would barely take any time at all to implement. Jagex has none of this. They don't have any affiliate program for their memberships (which could bennefit them with more membership sales) that fansites could promote in advertisements. I don't get their logic. Perhaps they want to keep the bullion for themselves.
So Jagex has nothing to offer to website publishers. Not only don't they have nothing to offer, but they have something to say too; they don't want anyone to display advertisements that sell virtual goods, or even other online games. Jagex has already broken these two rules by the way; they have had and still do have advertisements for other games, + the fact that they are currently advertising the sale of in-game virtual goods of their so-called ''war of legends'' game, if you can call that a game that is.
P.S - If you have no idea what <<war of legends>> is - and I don't blame you; It's a copy/paste of the ''EVONY''online game. For reference, Evony is like age of empires but the game lasts longer, and you can just buy your way through the game with in-game money sold by the game developper (it's legal).
Q: So how can Jagex better slash fansites, gold sellers and competing online games to increase their revenues?
A: Put in place the ''Fansitesupport control'' team
Just to get a fansite up and running, it takes an enormous amount of work and effort.When you put in more than 50 hours of work a week into it for a long period of time, you deserve more than just ''recognition''. By not allowing the use of gaming advertisements on runscape fansites, Jagex fails to see fansites as businesses on their own. If on your fansite, you have some in-game images of runescape (which are copyrighted), and Jagex doesn't like one thing or another on your site (be it content or advertisements), they can potentially sue you for whatever reason they want. So either remove ingame images on your site, or obey their commands at all times... It is clear that the executives behind Jagex want to be the only ones to profit from the game, when in fact the game would have never even reached this level of popularity without the helpsites behind it.
Take a look at the chart on this page. What their ''rewards'', if you can even call them that - are trying to do is to lure you to help their players and paying members for free!, without giving you any cut for your efforts, and then one day *Hope* to be lucky enough to enter their gaming studio, which personally, I don't give a s**t about. Would YOU, yes you! put in hundreds and thousands of hours of work into something, helping out a multi-million dollar business (jagex), and not getting anything in return? -Exactly.
Before launching the 'fansite support scam', Jagex Hired a Mod (forgot his name though), who manages a team of employees that work fulltime with communicating, searching and at last, controlling fansites.
For myself, I'm keeping this blog free of any copyrighted runescape images and I'll just say whatever I want HOW I want and when I want. And if Jagex, you aren't happy about it then go * yourself. And if you've got a lawsuit in the works then bring it on!
To be continued...
Lately, Jagex has taken a bigger shift into trying to control us... Why would good old Jagex do such a thing? Why are they trying to Gain Influence, and Control over fansites and players alike within the runescape community?
One answer: Money. They're already in the process of controlling small and large fansites alike and their communities. Why does it matter for them? Fansites can threaten profits, bigtime. A considerable part of runescape players reach out for runescape help, a place to talk, read and socialize with like-minded people. There is a big profitable market for that. If these fansites propose, within their advertisements or messages, a service or product that could compete with jagex's paid membership subscription, then Jagex would suffer a loss in profits... as if 100 million$ a year would not be enough for them.
Such competing products/services that jagex doesn't want to see include in-game gold or accounts, or competing online games(which they have been and are promoting themselves). Jagex wants none of these. Other MMO's (massively multiplayer online games) neither want gold selling adverts (of course!), but they at least do propose a solution to fansite writers/publishers; they have referral programs which lets fansite owners and game developers alike split profits when a surfer buys a game membership when first referred through a fansite. This not only reduces the black market of a set game, but also helps spike up sales of paid gaming time. An affiliate program is easy to apply, and it would barely take any time at all to implement. Jagex has none of this. They don't have any affiliate program for their memberships (which could bennefit them with more membership sales) that fansites could promote in advertisements. I don't get their logic. Perhaps they want to keep the bullion for themselves.
So Jagex has nothing to offer to website publishers. Not only don't they have nothing to offer, but they have something to say too; they don't want anyone to display advertisements that sell virtual goods, or even other online games. Jagex has already broken these two rules by the way; they have had and still do have advertisements for other games, + the fact that they are currently advertising the sale of in-game virtual goods of their so-called ''war of legends'' game, if you can call that a game that is.
P.S - If you have no idea what <<war of legends>> is - and I don't blame you; It's a copy/paste of the ''EVONY''online game. For reference, Evony is like age of empires but the game lasts longer, and you can just buy your way through the game with in-game money sold by the game developper (it's legal).
Q: So how can Jagex better slash fansites, gold sellers and competing online games to increase their revenues?
A: Put in place the ''Fansite
Just to get a fansite up and running, it takes an enormous amount of work and effort.When you put in more than 50 hours of work a week into it for a long period of time, you deserve more than just ''recognition''. By not allowing the use of gaming advertisements on runscape fansites, Jagex fails to see fansites as businesses on their own. If on your fansite, you have some in-game images of runescape (which are copyrighted), and Jagex doesn't like one thing or another on your site (be it content or advertisements), they can potentially sue you for whatever reason they want. So either remove ingame images on your site, or obey their commands at all times... It is clear that the executives behind Jagex want to be the only ones to profit from the game, when in fact the game would have never even reached this level of popularity without the helpsites behind it.
Take a look at the chart on this page. What their ''rewards'', if you can even call them that - are trying to do is to lure you to help their players and paying members for free!, without giving you any cut for your efforts, and then one day *Hope* to be lucky enough to enter their gaming studio, which personally, I don't give a s**t about. Would YOU, yes you! put in hundreds and thousands of hours of work into something, helping out a multi-million dollar business (jagex), and not getting anything in return? -Exactly.
Before launching the 'fansite support scam', Jagex Hired a Mod (forgot his name though), who manages a team of employees that work fulltime with communicating, searching and at last, controlling fansites.
For myself, I'm keeping this blog free of any copyrighted runescape images and I'll just say whatever I want HOW I want and when I want. And if Jagex, you aren't happy about it then go * yourself. And if you've got a lawsuit in the works then bring it on!
To be continued...
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Runescape Bits is looking for Help!
After 8 months of existence, I think that the time to expand this blog has finally come. Runescape Bits will remain a blog and (smallish)community like it was in the past, new blog posts will pop up like they were before, etc... The main addition however, will be of a new collection of useful rs guides that I want to put up, if people are willing to help in exchange for free membership to rs. I have nice dreams of where this Blog/Fansite is going, and a good vision to back up these wild dreams!
Believe it or not, this runescape blog has grown quite a bit in the past few weeks. So far - and not long ago, the record for most unique visitors in one day increased at 443 visits in 24 hours! (shown below) - that's a 2'009% increase over the usual numbers!!! The traffic has since slowly bounced back to 40-50 unique visitors a day, but that is still more than the usual 10 uniques a day I was getting =D
This has had the effect of motivating me to push the site even more. And since I'm working my butt off in two different full-time jobs - doing more than 80 hours a week, I've decided to open up staff positions for those interested to help this fansite grow. It's pretty much on a voluntary basis, with me paying out your rs membership for you. I will send you a pin code each month, perhaps with other prizes too.
Guide Writers; I would need around 2 or 3 guide writers. For now, you can write guides of about just anything, but later on we will specialize on everything f2p-related, as well as everything pking/wilderness/pure related. Naturally, I would like guide/article writers to be good in writing, but you don't have to be perfect either. Infact, even if you're not a good writer but want to become one, I will take you on with pleasure, help you, give some tips, feedback, etc...Everything has a start to it. And by the way, my school teachers were always impressed with my extraordinary writing, despite that I failed their classes =D. I will pay your runescape membership every month if you write me 5+/- guides (500 words +) every 4 weeks. Feel free to write the guides with your own writing style and opinions.
Skill Stat Signature Makers; Many fansites have branded their own skill stat signatures. With these gadgets, you can see your character's updated stats in a banner. It is useful for forum users and acts as a great promotional tool for fansites. I don't know how to make these yet, but If you do then feel free to contact me.
Other Help Needed; If you think that you can help in any one way or another in exchange for a monthly runescape membership, then feel free to drop me a line with your ideas. I'm interested in working with pixel artists, video makers, associations with clans, rs bloggers, other fansites and more!
Don't be shy to ask any questions you might have considering rs guide writing or anything else. If you apply in the comment box, don't forget to mention your e-mail adress. If you don't want the comment to be published for everyone else to see, then say ''Do not publish'' in your comment, and only I will see it... Cheers!
Believe it or not, this runescape blog has grown quite a bit in the past few weeks. So far - and not long ago, the record for most unique visitors in one day increased at 443 visits in 24 hours! (shown below) - that's a 2'009% increase over the usual numbers!!! The traffic has since slowly bounced back to 40-50 unique visitors a day, but that is still more than the usual 10 uniques a day I was getting =D

This has had the effect of motivating me to push the site even more. And since I'm working my butt off in two different full-time jobs - doing more than 80 hours a week, I've decided to open up staff positions for those interested to help this fansite grow. It's pretty much on a voluntary basis, with me paying out your rs membership for you. I will send you a pin code each month, perhaps with other prizes too.
Guide Writers; I would need around 2 or 3 guide writers. For now, you can write guides of about just anything, but later on we will specialize on everything f2p-related, as well as everything pking/wilderness/pure related. Naturally, I would like guide/article writers to be good in writing, but you don't have to be perfect either. Infact, even if you're not a good writer but want to become one, I will take you on with pleasure, help you, give some tips, feedback, etc...Everything has a start to it. And by the way, my school teachers were always impressed with my extraordinary writing, despite that I failed their classes =D. I will pay your runescape membership every month if you write me 5+/- guides (500 words +) every 4 weeks. Feel free to write the guides with your own writing style and opinions.
Skill Stat Signature Makers; Many fansites have branded their own skill stat signatures. With these gadgets, you can see your character's updated stats in a banner. It is useful for forum users and acts as a great promotional tool for fansites. I don't know how to make these yet, but If you do then feel free to contact me.
Other Help Needed; If you think that you can help in any one way or another in exchange for a monthly runescape membership, then feel free to drop me a line with your ideas. I'm interested in working with pixel artists, video makers, associations with clans, rs bloggers, other fansites and more!
Don't be shy to ask any questions you might have considering rs guide writing or anything else. If you apply in the comment box, don't forget to mention your e-mail adress. If you don't want the comment to be published for everyone else to see, then say ''Do not publish'' in your comment, and only I will see it... Cheers!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Interview with W13, Owner of Zybez
I Hope you're doing great today, because I've had the chance of interviewing one of the coolest guys around in rs. His name is W13(nickname), and he is the owner of the popular zybez fansite! He was kind enough to answer some questions, mostly runescape-related, in an interview form over email.. heres's a couple questions I shot at him... Well before even beginning, I'd like to thank him incase he's reading this... Enjoy!
Q: First question: name some hobbies/passtimes that you do
A: painting, xbox360, web-surfing
Q: If you could invite any 5 people in the world to a dinner tonight, who would it be?
A: 5 of my Zybez staffers
Q: So when did you first start playing runescape, how did you discover it?
A: in early 2001, i saw my brother playing it, so I got interested.
Q: What did you enjoy doing most at that time? These days, what do you enjoy most in rs?
A: i enjoyed exploring rather than skilling back in the day. (which is weird because there's a lot more to explore now), Now I just enjoy skilling and loitering around.
Q: Now onto your site, how did the idea of making zybez come to mind?
A: didn't have any official 'help', so I made it.
Q: At that time what motivated you to grow your fansite? what were your goals?
A: at that time, i didn't care much for it - but then once i saw other people were excited about Zybez, i started to push it a lot more - by working hard on it and advertising it using drop parties.
Q: When I look up, zybez is not even in the list of jagex supported fansites - What's up with that? Are you still ''at war'' with them from the time they wanted to take controll of your ad network? (I am convinced you took the right decision, w13, I think you are an example to follow!)
A: That list is used to force fansites to listen to Jagex's demands. Jagex can ask a fansite to do something in exchange for moving up a rank on that list. I feel that Jagex should look at fansites eye-to-eye, and just come to us and ask us for a favor rather than playing these immature games. Hopefully Jagex can see Zybez for who we are: an organization, a community, and a news-reporting and publishing site.
My Response; Jagex does not need to see zybez for who you are, the players will and are seeing zybez for what it is!
Q: Do you or other fansites have any limitations, since you use their copyrighted in-game screenshots/images?
A: The use of their in-game screenshots and images fall under "Fair Use" laws. That means that even though they are copyrighted, we are free to use them. Besides, we are advertising RuneScape to the world and keeping players loyal to the game. Many players stick around and keep paying their RuneScape memberships just because they're in a clan or because they're part of the Zybez community. (And as you know, Zybez is the home of clans).
Q: Many long-time players are complaining that runescape is starting to lose it's charm, because it increasingly mimics other popular games (like WoW for instance). Do you think that jagex is pushing runescape in the right direction with the recent dungeoneering update, hp/constitution update, and the hd graphic update?
A: RuneScape pre-dates WoW. So if anything, WoW has copied RuneScape if there are any similarities. Dungeoneering (or "raiding" in WoW) has been on Jagex's mind since before WoW was released.
Q: What are 3 updates on runescape that you liked, and 2 that you liked less?
A: I liked the graphics updates. I also liked some unique skill updates like Farming, Herblore, and and Summoning. I can't say the same for unoriginal skills like Dungeoneering and Slayer.
Q: Did jagex, or jagex mods ever contact you ingame!?!? :)
A: Of course. I've played long enough to encounter lots of mods.
Q: During a poll I've had earlier on this blog, I've asked the question ''how many hours per week do you play runescape''. It turned out that 29% of respondants answered with ''more than 35 hours a week''... Do you think that addiction and dependance on rs is a problem that needs to be adressed? Do you have any life tips or message to tell to those addicted kids,teens, and young adults (and even adults) who might be reading these lines?
A: RuneScape teaches you that if you work hard at something, you can achieve it. If you want that level 70 in Attack, it won't just happen, you'll need to put effort into it. So, RuneScape players know that if they work hard at school, they can achieve high levels in real-life :) Of course, I won't sit here and pretend to be an annoying parent-figure and tell RuneScape players, "study hard, limit time playing Rs" because I think that the best way to learn is to fall first. So if somebody's neglecting school and wasting away in front of RuneScape for 35+ hours a week, then when they find themselves scraping grease and burnt meat fragments off the floor with their finger-nails in a dirty restaurant, then they'll realize that they are a "noob" in real life and maybe try and level up. ;-)
-Cool, thanks again for this epic interview! I wish you and your fansites all the best for the future!
-w13: Thank you.
Wow, epic answers! -what do you think?! I especially liked the second and the last answer, where he gave some valuable life lessons. I too think that many runescape players have skills and good values, it's just a matter of setting yourself goals in real life like you set yourself level (or gp) goals for runescape... Way to go W13!
P.S - If you guys have some of your own questions that you'd like to get answered by him, feel free to post them in the comments below. Otherwise, feel free to join his forum if you want... Have a good one!
Q: First question: name some hobbies/passtimes that you do
A: painting, xbox360, web-surfing
Q: If you could invite any 5 people in the world to a dinner tonight, who would it be?
A: 5 of my Zybez staffers
Q: So when did you first start playing runescape, how did you discover it?
A: in early 2001, i saw my brother playing it, so I got interested.
Q: What did you enjoy doing most at that time? These days, what do you enjoy most in rs?
A: i enjoyed exploring rather than skilling back in the day. (which is weird because there's a lot more to explore now), Now I just enjoy skilling and loitering around.
Q: Now onto your site, how did the idea of making zybez come to mind?
A: didn't have any official 'help', so I made it.
Q: At that time what motivated you to grow your fansite? what were your goals?
A: at that time, i didn't care much for it - but then once i saw other people were excited about Zybez, i started to push it a lot more - by working hard on it and advertising it using drop parties.
Q: When I look up, zybez is not even in the list of jagex supported fansites - What's up with that? Are you still ''at war'' with them from the time they wanted to take controll of your ad network? (I am convinced you took the right decision, w13, I think you are an example to follow!)
A: That list is used to force fansites to listen to Jagex's demands. Jagex can ask a fansite to do something in exchange for moving up a rank on that list. I feel that Jagex should look at fansites eye-to-eye, and just come to us and ask us for a favor rather than playing these immature games. Hopefully Jagex can see Zybez for who we are: an organization, a community, and a news-reporting and publishing site.
My Response; Jagex does not need to see zybez for who you are, the players will and are seeing zybez for what it is!
Q: Do you or other fansites have any limitations, since you use their copyrighted in-game screenshots/images?
A: The use of their in-game screenshots and images fall under "Fair Use" laws. That means that even though they are copyrighted, we are free to use them. Besides, we are advertising RuneScape to the world and keeping players loyal to the game. Many players stick around and keep paying their RuneScape memberships just because they're in a clan or because they're part of the Zybez community. (And as you know, Zybez is the home of clans).
Q: Many long-time players are complaining that runescape is starting to lose it's charm, because it increasingly mimics other popular games (like WoW for instance). Do you think that jagex is pushing runescape in the right direction with the recent dungeoneering update, hp/constitution update, and the hd graphic update?
A: RuneScape pre-dates WoW. So if anything, WoW has copied RuneScape if there are any similarities. Dungeoneering (or "raiding" in WoW) has been on Jagex's mind since before WoW was released.
Q: What are 3 updates on runescape that you liked, and 2 that you liked less?
A: I liked the graphics updates. I also liked some unique skill updates like Farming, Herblore, and and Summoning. I can't say the same for unoriginal skills like Dungeoneering and Slayer.
Q: Did jagex, or jagex mods ever contact you ingame!?!? :)
A: Of course. I've played long enough to encounter lots of mods.
Q: During a poll I've had earlier on this blog, I've asked the question ''how many hours per week do you play runescape''. It turned out that 29% of respondants answered with ''more than 35 hours a week''... Do you think that addiction and dependance on rs is a problem that needs to be adressed? Do you have any life tips or message to tell to those addicted kids,teens, and young adults (and even adults) who might be reading these lines?
A: RuneScape teaches you that if you work hard at something, you can achieve it. If you want that level 70 in Attack, it won't just happen, you'll need to put effort into it. So, RuneScape players know that if they work hard at school, they can achieve high levels in real-life :) Of course, I won't sit here and pretend to be an annoying parent-figure and tell RuneScape players, "study hard, limit time playing Rs" because I think that the best way to learn is to fall first. So if somebody's neglecting school and wasting away in front of RuneScape for 35+ hours a week, then when they find themselves scraping grease and burnt meat fragments off the floor with their finger-nails in a dirty restaurant, then they'll realize that they are a "noob" in real life and maybe try and level up. ;-)
-Cool, thanks again for this epic interview! I wish you and your fansites all the best for the future!
-w13: Thank you.
Wow, epic answers! -what do you think?! I especially liked the second and the last answer, where he gave some valuable life lessons. I too think that many runescape players have skills and good values, it's just a matter of setting yourself goals in real life like you set yourself level (or gp) goals for runescape... Way to go W13!
P.S - If you guys have some of your own questions that you'd like to get answered by him, feel free to post them in the comments below. Otherwise, feel free to join his forum if you want... Have a good one!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Dungeoneering Weapon and Armor Rewards (F2P)
The main scope of playing the dungeoneering minigame/skill (whatever you want to call it) - is to put your hands up on those expensive rewards, especially the pvp-oriented ones. For reference, 10 dungeoneering xp equals to 1 token. Here's a list of free-to-play item rewards I've put up.
Dungeoneering weapon and armor rewards (f2p) + level requirements;
...Magic Rewards...
Arcane pulse necklace - (30 magic and 30 dungeoneering required) : offers + 10 magic attack bonus and increased magic damage by 5%. Does not degrade. Cost; 6'500 tokens
Arcane blast necklace - (50 magic and dungeoneering levels required) : +12 magic attack bonus and an increased magic damage of 10%. Does not degrade. Cost; 15k tokens
Nature staff - (53 magic, 40 attack and 40 dungeoneering required) : Attack bonuses: +7 stab, -1 slash, +28 crush, + 10 magic, + 0 range. Defence bonuses: +2 stab, +3 slash, +1 crush, +10 magic with +35 strenght bonus. When casting spells, there is a 10% chance that a nature rune will not be used. The staff costs 10k tokens and is not degradable.
Law staff - Has the same requirements and bonuses than the nature staff. Also has a 10% chance for a law rune not to be used and costs 12k tokens.
Tome of frost - (48 magic and dungeoneering required) : The tome of frost is wielded in the shield spot and offers a +10 magic attack bonus and a +10 magic defense bonus. It has an infinite stock of water runes which is a great feature. Costs 43k tokens required and does not degrade.
Gravite staff - (45 magic and dungeoneering required) : Attack Bonuses; +15 in magic and crush, -1 in both slash and stab, strength +7, prayer + 0. Defence bonuses; +15 in magic and + 2, +3 and +1 in stab slash and crush. The gravite staff does an additionnal 5% magic damage. It is degradable and costs a whooping 40k tokens.
...Range rewards...
Longbow sight / becomes Maple longbow(sighted) - (45 range and 30 dungeoneering required) : The longbow sight can be attached to a maple longbow (or magic longbow in p2p) and provides a +110 ranged attack bonus when coupled with the maple longbow! The maximum range bonus for f2p now becomes 151, or +136 for 1 defence pures. The increased range bonus could probably make the sighted longbow a good way to train range in f2p, although I haven't tested this yet. The item does not degrade and requires 10'000 tokens.
Gravite shortbow - (45 range and 45 dungeoneering. required) : Gives a +40 range bonus, which is 11 more than a maple shortbow. The gravite shortbow IS degradable - it lasts for 10 hours and you have to pay 1 million gold for a recharge. If the firing rate is the same as the maple shortbow, then I don't think it would be worth paying the 40k tokens required.
...Melee Weapon Rewards...
Gravite rapier - (45 attack and dungeoneering required) : Gives a + 50 stab, +9 slash attack bonus, 1 slash defence and +48 strenght bonus, which is 4 more str than the rune scimitar. The weapon takes 40k tokens to obtain and 1 million coins to recharge it for 10 hours.
Gravite longsword - (same reqs. as gravite rapier) : +45 stab and +63 slash attack bonus, holds 3 slash and 2 crush defence. Degradable item, so you gotta pay that recharge cost.
Gravite 2h sword - (45 attack and dungeneering required) : -4 attack bonus on slash,stab and magic, +87 crush bonus, with a whooping +90 strength bonus. It also lasts 10 hours, but if one can manage to use it as a finishing weapon then it could a whole lot more. Like other gravite swords and staffs, it costs 40'000 tokens to obtain, and 1million gp for recharge.
What I think overall, is that most items are on the expensive side... which is a good thing! Free to play (f2p) pking has long been the main attraction in the game for most players. The f2p wilderness/pvp does not need new and overpowered weapons to ruin it all. If you want that, then I suggest you head over to pvp in p2p and see how you like it. Now about the new weapons; yes, they will hardly be worth getting for most - BUT will create some sort of variety within the wilderness and rs which can be a good thing. Take for example; for the arcane blast necklace, you will need to save up your tokens all the way to 54 dungeoneering in order to afford it, and level 64 for the gravite staff or swords. I can foresee that most of the dungeoneering weapons will be used in the +1 pvp worlds.
If I had to choose a reward, I would probably go for the sighted maple longbow that could be of great use in the deep wilderness against main pkers that have high def (can't wait to see how accurate it will be!) or perhaps use it to train range since it's not a degradable item. My second pick would probably be a gravite 2h or longsword, though I'd probably do better just training my pure's stats up... Now what do YOU think about the dungeoneering rewards in f2p? worth it? what would you get?
Dungeoneering weapon and armor rewards (f2p) + level requirements;
...Magic Rewards...
Arcane pulse necklace - (30 magic and 30 dungeoneering required) : offers + 10 magic attack bonus and increased magic damage by 5%. Does not degrade. Cost; 6'500 tokens
Arcane blast necklace - (50 magic and dungeoneering levels required) : +12 magic attack bonus and an increased magic damage of 10%. Does not degrade. Cost; 15k tokens
Nature staff - (53 magic, 40 attack and 40 dungeoneering required) : Attack bonuses: +7 stab, -1 slash, +28 crush, + 10 magic, + 0 range. Defence bonuses: +2 stab, +3 slash, +1 crush, +10 magic with +35 strenght bonus. When casting spells, there is a 10% chance that a nature rune will not be used. The staff costs 10k tokens and is not degradable.
Law staff - Has the same requirements and bonuses than the nature staff. Also has a 10% chance for a law rune not to be used and costs 12k tokens.
Tome of frost - (48 magic and dungeoneering required) : The tome of frost is wielded in the shield spot and offers a +10 magic attack bonus and a +10 magic defense bonus. It has an infinite stock of water runes which is a great feature. Costs 43k tokens required and does not degrade.
Gravite staff - (45 magic and dungeoneering required) : Attack Bonuses; +15 in magic and crush, -1 in both slash and stab, strength +7, prayer + 0. Defence bonuses; +15 in magic and + 2, +3 and +1 in stab slash and crush. The gravite staff does an additionnal 5% magic damage. It is degradable and costs a whooping 40k tokens.
...Range rewards...
Longbow sight / becomes Maple longbow(sighted) - (45 range and 30 dungeoneering required) : The longbow sight can be attached to a maple longbow (or magic longbow in p2p) and provides a +110 ranged attack bonus when coupled with the maple longbow! The maximum range bonus for f2p now becomes 151, or +136 for 1 defence pures. The increased range bonus could probably make the sighted longbow a good way to train range in f2p, although I haven't tested this yet. The item does not degrade and requires 10'000 tokens.
Gravite shortbow - (45 range and 45 dungeoneering. required) : Gives a +40 range bonus, which is 11 more than a maple shortbow. The gravite shortbow IS degradable - it lasts for 10 hours and you have to pay 1 million gold for a recharge. If the firing rate is the same as the maple shortbow, then I don't think it would be worth paying the 40k tokens required.
...Melee Weapon Rewards...
Gravite rapier - (45 attack and dungeoneering required) : Gives a + 50 stab, +9 slash attack bonus, 1 slash defence and +48 strenght bonus, which is 4 more str than the rune scimitar. The weapon takes 40k tokens to obtain and 1 million coins to recharge it for 10 hours.
Gravite longsword - (same reqs. as gravite rapier) : +45 stab and +63 slash attack bonus, holds 3 slash and 2 crush defence. Degradable item, so you gotta pay that recharge cost.
Gravite 2h sword - (45 attack and dungeneering required) : -4 attack bonus on slash,stab and magic, +87 crush bonus, with a whooping +90 strength bonus. It also lasts 10 hours, but if one can manage to use it as a finishing weapon then it could a whole lot more. Like other gravite swords and staffs, it costs 40'000 tokens to obtain, and 1million gp for recharge.
What I think overall, is that most items are on the expensive side... which is a good thing! Free to play (f2p) pking has long been the main attraction in the game for most players. The f2p wilderness/pvp does not need new and overpowered weapons to ruin it all. If you want that, then I suggest you head over to pvp in p2p and see how you like it. Now about the new weapons; yes, they will hardly be worth getting for most - BUT will create some sort of variety within the wilderness and rs which can be a good thing. Take for example; for the arcane blast necklace, you will need to save up your tokens all the way to 54 dungeoneering in order to afford it, and level 64 for the gravite staff or swords. I can foresee that most of the dungeoneering weapons will be used in the +1 pvp worlds.
If I had to choose a reward, I would probably go for the sighted maple longbow that could be of great use in the deep wilderness against main pkers that have high def (can't wait to see how accurate it will be!) or perhaps use it to train range since it's not a degradable item. My second pick would probably be a gravite 2h or longsword, though I'd probably do better just training my pure's stats up... Now what do YOU think about the dungeoneering rewards in f2p? worth it? what would you get?
Monday, April 12, 2010
Dungeoneering Skill in Runescape!
So the new Dungeoneering Skill is out! It is both for f2p and p2p players. The skill by itself does not affect your combat level, however you do have the option to train combat by fighting monsters within the game.
So what exactly is Dungeoneering?
Dungeoneering is the latest skill in runescape, realeased on the 12th april 2010. The skill is trained in an vast area of 35 floors called Daemonheim. Players explore each level and may use other skills to clear each level by finding keys and solving puzzles. Players can enter the castle in groups of only 5 people at a time or less. Think of this skill as similar in concept to the ''dungeons and dragons'' games. While it is called a skill, it is more commonly viewed as a minigame.
How do I get to the Dungeoneering castle/Daemonheim area?
Dungeoneering Weapons and Armour
The new skill unlocks a wide area of new weapons, both f2p and p2p. Some weapons - melee mostly, require a recharge after 10 hours of combat use. The Gravite 2h sword (for f2players) looks the most promising to pures, beacause the 10 hours can account for only the time you wield it. So for a range to rune 2her for example, this could be very practical as the time you wield it is minimal, and therefore can really use it for an extended ammount of time. Other weapons include magic necklaces and staffs and a spellbook giving unlimited water runes!, as well as minor improvements.
This new skill update is gigantic for f2p! Is this new update better than if they would bring back the wilderness? perhaps not, what do you think? Anyway, the other weird thing is that the skill is caped at level 120, and not 99... So what do you think of the dungeoneering update as a whole? Who will be the first to get a 99? and then first to get 120? Cheers!
So what exactly is Dungeoneering?
Dungeoneering is the latest skill in runescape, realeased on the 12th april 2010. The skill is trained in an vast area of 35 floors called Daemonheim. Players explore each level and may use other skills to clear each level by finding keys and solving puzzles. Players can enter the castle in groups of only 5 people at a time or less. Think of this skill as similar in concept to the ''dungeons and dragons'' games. While it is called a skill, it is more commonly viewed as a minigame.
How do I get to the Dungeoneering castle/Daemonheim area?
- Either South of the Al-Karid Bank, taking a ferry from the dock
- In the level 40 Wilderness to the east part of it
- Take a Ring of Kinship, given by the Dungeoneering tutor
Dungeoneering Weapons and Armour
The new skill unlocks a wide area of new weapons, both f2p and p2p. Some weapons - melee mostly, require a recharge after 10 hours of combat use. The Gravite 2h sword (for f2players) looks the most promising to pures, beacause the 10 hours can account for only the time you wield it. So for a range to rune 2her for example, this could be very practical as the time you wield it is minimal, and therefore can really use it for an extended ammount of time. Other weapons include magic necklaces and staffs and a spellbook giving unlimited water runes!, as well as minor improvements.
This new skill update is gigantic for f2p! Is this new update better than if they would bring back the wilderness? perhaps not, what do you think? Anyway, the other weird thing is that the skill is caped at level 120, and not 99... So what do you think of the dungeoneering update as a whole? Who will be the first to get a 99? and then first to get 120? Cheers!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
How I Quit Runescape
It was one month ago, RuneScape had started to take a toll on my time, life and future. Was playing from morning till night. And when 10 hours of playing seem like 10 minutes, quitting runescape can be your only option. Deceived - What can I say? ... When you can't stop thinking about it even while shi**ing , or when you don't even have time to eat because of your addiction, you know something has to be done, so I sparred myself the therapy sessions and took action. This happens to me every year by the way (quitting like that). Here's my story prior to quitting rs this year...
It all began 3-4 months ago, when I was pking with my pure in a pvp world, near the grand exchange. I was f2p, you know; money comes in hardly and goes away quickly when pking, (and especially with that new drop potential rule where you get nerfed drops if you're not willing to wait 30 minutes between kills). So there was I, in grand exchange with my range to rune2h setup, trying to find my next opponent to fight, when I suddenly pass next a guy of my level. He was trying to find an opponent aswell, and with one million gp on him, he claimed he was quitting runescape after he'd die with that money on! ;I traded him and he was right, he had 1.1milion in cash! Back then, when money was worth more in rs, I / f2players could hope to gain that kind of money in a good 20-25 hours to the least. You can imagine how excited I was! He told me to put a team cape on or no fight, which I did in a rush before anyone else would get him to fight.
When we were ready, he showed me the money one last time before stepping out of the safe zone, and off we went at each other, range pure against range pure (level 57 I think, he 56). I had a few chances to take him out, though after we both ran out of food, went to bank and back to it again for another round. But this time, it was a good streak, I did not even have the time to eat a lobster of my own that he finds himself in trouble - switched to my 2h and finished him off with an 18 (today it would have been a 180 hit). I remember it like it was yesterday; he dropped dead on the ground and there stood all the money, the beautiful money! 1.1 million cash + some items in f2p, my biggest drop to this date. He then came back from Lumbridge to see if I've gotten the money and after I've reassured him, told me one last goodbye before he quit. And I've never seen him again.
2 Months Later... I was struggling with real life, being strangled by runescape as I told you earlier. Giving away my account to someone and tell them to change the password could have been an option aswell. But I decided to pay tribute to that one guy instead, who made my day back then. So I emptied my bank, sold everything on the grand exchange and took out 700k cash on me -all I had-, went to pk with it. After a while, I died with it, making someone incredibly happy and passed on the love that I have had gotten one day too. If you too intend to quit one day, I suggest you empty your bank, go in pvp and pass on the tradition, you will make someone happy who will in turn, probably be entitled to do the same when he quits. And the best part is that it will really want to make you quit and not return for a while.
5 Benefits of Quitting Runescape:
It all began 3-4 months ago, when I was pking with my pure in a pvp world, near the grand exchange. I was f2p, you know; money comes in hardly and goes away quickly when pking, (and especially with that new drop potential rule where you get nerfed drops if you're not willing to wait 30 minutes between kills). So there was I, in grand exchange with my range to rune2h setup, trying to find my next opponent to fight, when I suddenly pass next a guy of my level. He was trying to find an opponent aswell, and with one million gp on him, he claimed he was quitting runescape after he'd die with that money on! ;I traded him and he was right, he had 1.1milion in cash! Back then, when money was worth more in rs, I / f2players could hope to gain that kind of money in a good 20-25 hours to the least. You can imagine how excited I was! He told me to put a team cape on or no fight, which I did in a rush before anyone else would get him to fight.
When we were ready, he showed me the money one last time before stepping out of the safe zone, and off we went at each other, range pure against range pure (level 57 I think, he 56). I had a few chances to take him out, though after we both ran out of food, went to bank and back to it again for another round. But this time, it was a good streak, I did not even have the time to eat a lobster of my own that he finds himself in trouble - switched to my 2h and finished him off with an 18 (today it would have been a 180 hit). I remember it like it was yesterday; he dropped dead on the ground and there stood all the money, the beautiful money! 1.1 million cash + some items in f2p, my biggest drop to this date. He then came back from Lumbridge to see if I've gotten the money and after I've reassured him, told me one last goodbye before he quit. And I've never seen him again.
2 Months Later... I was struggling with real life, being strangled by runescape as I told you earlier. Giving away my account to someone and tell them to change the password could have been an option aswell. But I decided to pay tribute to that one guy instead, who made my day back then. So I emptied my bank, sold everything on the grand exchange and took out 700k cash on me -all I had-, went to pk with it. After a while, I died with it, making someone incredibly happy and passed on the love that I have had gotten one day too. If you too intend to quit one day, I suggest you empty your bank, go in pvp and pass on the tradition, you will make someone happy who will in turn, probably be entitled to do the same when he quits. And the best part is that it will really want to make you quit and not return for a while.
5 Benefits of Quitting Runescape:
- More time on your hands
- You wake up to reality, you can explore the real world - and better graphics!
- You can get a part time job if you go to school, and with the money earned, buy 10 times more gold or better account than you otherwise would have made sitting at home.
- You can get a girlfriend this time, and not a
gf...(I know you know the difference!) - Do something real this time, make a plan for the next day, month year and more. Live life to the fullest & do something that your kids or relatives would be feel proud of you one day.
Quit Runescape,
Quitting Runescape,
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
What Type of Pure you should make in Runescape (f2p)
In the past, pures in Runescape were rather rare, and made for killing quickly most people of their level. Nowadays they are abundant, people recognize & are aware of them, and they are mostly created for the simple scope of fighting other pures. I'll give you some different perspectives based on what I've seen and done in 5+ years of wilderness (since rs2 came out). After all, creating a new pure/pker is a big time investment, so hopefully by the end of this guide/post, you will have a better idea of what you want and not waste any more time.
The Most Important thing to keep track of is ...
Your combat level! I don't care if you have a range/mage hybrid, a "tank", or have a 99 combat stat; If you can't be competitive against opponents of your combat level, you won't have fun when pking so then your stats become meaningless, and a waste of time. For reference, 1 combat level = 4 defence levels or 4 hitpoints levels, or 8 prayer levels, or 7 summoning levels (for p2p)
Before you start investing time on making a new pure, please plan things out properly and avoid levels you won't need. Check out this combat level calculator and play around with your desired stats.
The different Types of Pures and Pkers;
Pures with strictly only one combat class ; Range Pure, Strenght Pure, Magic Pure. (They are not flexible and have weaknesses)
The Ranger Pure (1 defence, 1-43 prayer, 1-99 range) - It can put up a fight with anybody. It's small but consistent fast hits will effectively drain the food of almost anyone. In a clan, range pures will get a decent amount of kills. When solo pking, it will ''win'' most fights against other pures and mains, but can very hardly finish off enemies (unless 90+ range), and without binds either, getting kills will be hard.
The Strenght Pure (1 defence, 1-34 prayer, 40 attack, 1-99 strenght) - In rs2, these became popular to counter range/mage pures. Overall, they do less damage per minute than range pures, but on the other hand hit high and have good chances of killing other pures by K.O. Str pures mostly fight other pures, they are inaccurate against opponents of over 20 defence. And just fighting pures in crowded areas against other pures with similar levels gets boring sometimes. In clans, they don't do too well.
The Mage Pure (1 defence, high magic) - Magic can be devastating against full rune, and opponents who have 1-10 magic (because one's magic level acts as magic defence). In clans they usually get plenty of kills. The best magic spell in f2p to date is fire blast (level 59 magic), but I recommend to get more than that, for more accurate spells and binds. Enemies will fail spells on you more often the higher your magic is. While they dominate at lower levels (3-30 combat), they loose some firepower at higher levels, compared to other fighters
Why Hybriding is key: All three classes of fighters have weaknesses, the secret is to combine those skills for some ownage.You do not gain combat levels when range, magic, and attack+strenght are leveled the same (you can test this out yourself on the combat calculator)
- A range/mage pure can do some good pking (player-killing) further away from banks and safespots. Attack with range and when your opponent is starting to run, bind him. This strategy does not work very well mith melee/and binds, because you need to run the distance to your target between binds.
- A range/meleer (range to rune2h) can use the quick rate of damage of his bow to bring his opponent's health down and finish him up with the high-hits of a 2h sword.
- A melee/mage hybrid can switch from his sword to fireblasts when opposed to a main, or tanker.
- Example, a hybrid @t 40 attack, 88 strength, 85 range, 85 magic, 76 hitpoints 1 defence & prayer, will be level 60 combat. For
Not only is it more practical to have different combat classes on you, but it's also much more fun. You can go pking in If you have enough time to train one, go for all three combat classes. Stay 1 defense of course and 1 prayer (I prefer that but you can get higher) - because it requires some multitasking and frequent recharging. And by the way, do not get defence up... there is no better armor than what pures already use for hybriding.
That's it for today, if you have any questions don't be shy - I read all comments!
The Most Important thing to keep track of is ...
Your combat level! I don't care if you have a range/mage hybrid, a "tank", or have a 99 combat stat; If you can't be competitive against opponents of your combat level, you won't have fun when pking so then your stats become meaningless, and a waste of time. For reference, 1 combat level = 4 defence levels or 4 hitpoints levels, or 8 prayer levels, or 7 summoning levels (for p2p)
Before you start investing time on making a new pure, please plan things out properly and avoid levels you won't need. Check out this combat level calculator and play around with your desired stats.
The different Types of Pures and Pkers;
Pures with strictly only one combat class ; Range Pure, Strenght Pure, Magic Pure. (They are not flexible and have weaknesses)
The Ranger Pure (1 defence, 1-43 prayer, 1-99 range) - It can put up a fight with anybody. It's small but consistent fast hits will effectively drain the food of almost anyone. In a clan, range pures will get a decent amount of kills. When solo pking, it will ''win'' most fights against other pures and mains, but can very hardly finish off enemies (unless 90+ range), and without binds either, getting kills will be hard.
The Strenght Pure (1 defence, 1-34 prayer, 40 attack, 1-99 strenght) - In rs2, these became popular to counter range/mage pures. Overall, they do less damage per minute than range pures, but on the other hand hit high and have good chances of killing other pures by K.O. Str pures mostly fight other pures, they are inaccurate against opponents of over 20 defence. And just fighting pures in crowded areas against other pures with similar levels gets boring sometimes. In clans, they don't do too well.
The Mage Pure (1 defence, high magic) - Magic can be devastating against full rune, and opponents who have 1-10 magic (because one's magic level acts as magic defence). In clans they usually get plenty of kills. The best magic spell in f2p to date is fire blast (level 59 magic), but I recommend to get more than that, for more accurate spells and binds. Enemies will fail spells on you more often the higher your magic is. While they dominate at lower levels (3-30 combat), they loose some firepower at higher levels, compared to other fighters
Why Hybriding is key: All three classes of fighters have weaknesses, the secret is to combine those skills for some ownage.You do not gain combat levels when range, magic, and attack+strenght are leveled the same (you can test this out yourself on the combat calculator)
- A range/mage pure can do some good pking (player-killing) further away from banks and safespots. Attack with range and when your opponent is starting to run, bind him. This strategy does not work very well mith melee/and binds, because you need to run the distance to your target between binds.
- A range/meleer (range to rune2h) can use the quick rate of damage of his bow to bring his opponent's health down and finish him up with the high-hits of a 2h sword.
- A melee/mage hybrid can switch from his sword to fireblasts when opposed to a main, or tanker.
- Example, a hybrid @t 40 attack, 88 strength, 85 range, 85 magic, 76 hitpoints 1 defence & prayer, will be level 60 combat. For
Not only is it more practical to have different combat classes on you, but it's also much more fun. You can go pking in If you have enough time to train one, go for all three combat classes. Stay 1 defense of course and 1 prayer (I prefer that but you can get higher) - because it requires some multitasking and frequent recharging. And by the way, do not get defence up... there is no better armor than what pures already use for hybriding.
That's it for today, if you have any questions don't be shy - I read all comments!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Some new Guides comming up!
A few months ago, back in 2009, I had started to write down on paper a small bunch of guides on pures and their training, as well as other Wilderness / PvP tips and guides. But these were lost partially in my room.
Well I recently cleaned up my room and have found those guides back as well as some motivation (thanks to someone in rs pushing me to publish them) to rewrite them from paper to word processor.
When I jumped into the world of making pures 5-6 years ago (roughly weeks after I discovered rs), I did have some tips here and there from inexperienced people - but not solid advice to do it successfully. After all, creating and training a new account is a huge investment in time. I learned it the hard way. With more than 4-5 different accounts (and counting), as well as several years of training, seeing and pking, I will shortly be starting a series of posts sharing my personal thoughts on pvp/wilderness tactics, most efficient pure types and setups, pking spots and more. Coming to a blog near you... Stay tuned!
Well I recently cleaned up my room and have found those guides back as well as some motivation (thanks to someone in rs pushing me to publish them) to rewrite them from paper to word processor.
When I jumped into the world of making pures 5-6 years ago (roughly weeks after I discovered rs), I did have some tips here and there from inexperienced people - but not solid advice to do it successfully. After all, creating and training a new account is a huge investment in time. I learned it the hard way. With more than 4-5 different accounts (and counting), as well as several years of training, seeing and pking, I will shortly be starting a series of posts sharing my personal thoughts on pvp/wilderness tactics, most efficient pure types and setups, pking spots and more. Coming to a blog near you... Stay tuned!
Some Facts About the Author(me)
Reading a blog becomes more fun in my opinion if you know more about the author. So here we go, here are 5 runescape facts and 5 real life facts pertaining to me;
Real life Fact; 20 years old, young and full of energy (most of the time) and optimism. I like sports, politics, and am a business minded person - am constantly thinking about business ideas.
RS Fact : Have started playing a good 5-6 years ago. I remember on my days fresh off tutorial island, I was wondering where everyone got their fancy armor from - only I was not wearing anything special. I soon learned that I needed to get a ''job'', and then my quest for gold began. I remember an npc telling me I had 3 options; doing quests, making my own items, or killing monsters. The first two proved to have failed me, so I went with killing ''monsters''... chickens!
RL Fact; Emigrated from Romania to Canada when I was young. Canada is nice, though thinking to moving to the U.S. sometime, or at least the English part of Canada.
RS Fact; The chicken business was satisfying at first - I'd get 1gp at most per feather if I was lucky enough to find a buyer. That would make a few dozen gp's per hour or so considering my killing rate and the crowded area... it was good money for me. As I started wandering a bit, i landed on the fishing shop at port sarim, to find out that they were buying feathers for up to 2-3 gp each! I then started to hire people fresh off tutorial island and in other chicken pens, they would sell me feathers 1gp each and I'd give them bonuses too, then reselling the feathers for good profit at the fish shop =D =D. Within a few days of playing runescape, I had accumulated a small fortune (or so I thought) of 300 gp. I was then showing it off in trades and impressed the crowds, I thought that I was one of the richest and most powerfull in runescape with all that money and employees!
RL Fact: Rides a bicycle on the cold canadian winters... Don't worry, I just might be driving a bulletproof Cadillac one day!
RS Fact: Learned quickly that making money for money's sake in runescape was not fun in itself, and rather boring, but that the real fun in runescape lied in being able to compete against others in the wilderness. In fact I quit my first account ''main'' when it was only level 20 something combat and started making pures from there on, in an attempt to be more competitive, get kills in the wilderness and most importantly, to be a self-sufficient pker in the wilderness / make the fun pay for itself and not have to do ''virtual work'' in order to have that fun. To this day I still pursue that goal.
RL Fact: I'm a pretty strong chess player, and I like to compete in tournaments once in a while. My grandma is the one that thought me how to play when I was little, and from there on played for fun mostly, beating most people regardless of age . A few years ago I finished second in a Provincial tournament for people of my age group. Recently I started studying chess more seriously. One day, I hope to be amongst the best in the world.
RS Fact: Have invested a lot of time in the game of Runescape. Have been adicted more than once. Some of those hours, I would like to get back. In the grand scheme of things though, I think runescape was and is a great experience.
RL Fact: I've failed 3/4 of my classes in college. Oh yeah, and the cops also came in at midnight not that long ago!
RS/RL Fact: I started this runescape blogfor the fun of it. The real reason I started this blog is to generate money, nothing less... at my stage in life it becomes preoccupying too. In the midst of it though, I started this interaction with other bloggers, which I now enjoy on a daily basis and it keeps me going. I even came out of retirement in rs! Another big aspect why I started this blog is that I wanted to build something that would last and turn moments into memories that I could go back and read. But still, if there was no $dough to be made in it, I'm not sure that I would have started in the first place XD. I can recommend starting a blog about your passion to anyone... It really motivates you in life and if it gets popular in the way, then even better for you.
Well I hope that you've enjoyed this reading this post, I would definetely like to think what you guys think! I don't usually like to share personal info out in the open but who cares what others think, right? If you have a rs blog yourself, then I would like to hear more about you. Meanwhile, I recommend you check out Vaskor's and Pie's self interviews... Cheers all!
Real life Fact; 20 years old, young and full of energy (most of the time) and optimism. I like sports, politics, and am a business minded person - am constantly thinking about business ideas.
RS Fact : Have started playing a good 5-6 years ago. I remember on my days fresh off tutorial island, I was wondering where everyone got their fancy armor from - only I was not wearing anything special. I soon learned that I needed to get a ''job'', and then my quest for gold began. I remember an npc telling me I had 3 options; doing quests, making my own items, or killing monsters. The first two proved to have failed me, so I went with killing ''monsters''... chickens!
RL Fact; Emigrated from Romania to Canada when I was young. Canada is nice, though thinking to moving to the U.S. sometime, or at least the English part of Canada.
RS Fact; The chicken business was satisfying at first - I'd get 1gp at most per feather if I was lucky enough to find a buyer. That would make a few dozen gp's per hour or so considering my killing rate and the crowded area... it was good money for me. As I started wandering a bit, i landed on the fishing shop at port sarim, to find out that they were buying feathers for up to 2-3 gp each! I then started to hire people fresh off tutorial island and in other chicken pens, they would sell me feathers 1gp each and I'd give them bonuses too, then reselling the feathers for good profit at the fish shop =D =D. Within a few days of playing runescape, I had accumulated a small fortune (or so I thought) of 300 gp. I was then showing it off in trades and impressed the crowds, I thought that I was one of the richest and most powerfull in runescape with all that money and employees!
RL Fact: Rides a bicycle on the cold canadian winters... Don't worry, I just might be driving a bulletproof Cadillac one day!
RS Fact: Learned quickly that making money for money's sake in runescape was not fun in itself, and rather boring, but that the real fun in runescape lied in being able to compete against others in the wilderness. In fact I quit my first account ''main'' when it was only level 20 something combat and started making pures from there on, in an attempt to be more competitive, get kills in the wilderness and most importantly, to be a self-sufficient pker in the wilderness / make the fun pay for itself and not have to do ''virtual work'' in order to have that fun. To this day I still pursue that goal.
RL Fact: I'm a pretty strong chess player, and I like to compete in tournaments once in a while. My grandma is the one that thought me how to play when I was little, and from there on played for fun mostly, beating most people regardless of age . A few years ago I finished second in a Provincial tournament for people of my age group. Recently I started studying chess more seriously. One day, I hope to be amongst the best in the world.
RS Fact: Have invested a lot of time in the game of Runescape. Have been adicted more than once. Some of those hours, I would like to get back. In the grand scheme of things though, I think runescape was and is a great experience.
RL Fact: I've failed 3/4 of my classes in college. Oh yeah, and the cops also came in at midnight not that long ago!
RS/RL Fact: I started this runescape blog
Well I hope that you've enjoyed this reading this post, I would definetely like to think what you guys think! I don't usually like to share personal info out in the open but who cares what others think, right? If you have a rs blog yourself, then I would like to hear more about you. Meanwhile, I recommend you check out Vaskor's and Pie's self interviews... Cheers all!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The best for 2010!
Happy late new year my dear runescapers and fellow runescape bloggers. Sorry that this is late, I know I haven't posted in a while - had some problems with my computer and stuff... but things will be for the better in 2010
2010 happens to be the first year that I don't have school. Some of my future will most likely be decided within little time now.L'ets hope that this year is a good one.
Some goals I have for runescape2 in 2010 to get on my 1 def 1 pray pure:
Some other goals of mine will be to blog more often here. I plan to introduce more guides and cool tips that haven't been already released elsewhere. In fact the next guide I'll release will be an afk magic training guide!
But growing this blog is a priority for 2010.
I want this blog to become a semi-well known fansite till the end of 2010! If I can get it to 10 - 20'000 pageviews a month by the end of the year, then it will be mission acomplished.
Again, sorry for neglecting this blog, and let me know of your 2010 goals! ... cheers!
2010 happens to be the first year that I don't have school. Some of my future will most likely be decided within little time now.L'ets hope that this year is a good one.
Some goals I have for runescape2 in 2010 to get on my 1 def 1 pray pure:
- Get 85 Magic ... teleblocking will be a very nice spell in my arsenal to have in order to get kills. Currently, my magic level is 78 or 79 I think, don't really remember.
- Get 85 - 90 strength ... Currently, my strength level is 79. I'll be able to hit 24-25's as finisher
- Get 85 range for 14's ... range is the main weapon for pures. Currently got 79 range.
Some other goals of mine will be to blog more often here. I plan to introduce more guides and cool tips that haven't been already released elsewhere. In fact the next guide I'll release will be an afk magic training guide!
But growing this blog is a priority for 2010.
I want this blog to become a semi-well known fansite till the end of 2010! If I can get it to 10 - 20'000 pageviews a month by the end of the year, then it will be mission acomplished.
Again, sorry for neglecting this blog, and let me know of your 2010 goals! ... cheers!